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Free Webinar: From Confusion to Clarity

Are you considering Bariatric Surgery? Join us for this free and informative session.

  • Online Webinar

Service Description

Are you tired of the endless cycle of confusion surrounding weight loss solutions? Have you struggled with being overweight most of your life, battling yo-yo dieting and emotional overeating? If so, we invite you to join us for an empowering and informative webinar, "From Confusion to Clarity: Your Path to Sustainable Weight Loss." Led by renowned bariatric life coach Anna Bianca, this webinar is designed to guide you through the decision-making process regarding bariatric surgery, helping you gain a clear understanding of whether it's the ideal long-term solution for your weight loss journey. Anna Bianca has faced the challenges of being overweight and has conquered the obstacles making her an empathetic and insightful guide. During this engaging webinar, you'll embark on a transformative journey that will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and mindset necessary to achieve sustainable weight loss if you choose to go down the root of having surgery. With her expert guidance, you'll discover how to manage your mindset, overcome self-doubt, and cultivate a positive attitude toward weight-loss surgery. Additionally, if you're considering travelling to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, for your bariatric surgery, this webinar will address any concerns or questions. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the medical procedures, facilities, and overall surgery experience in this beautiful destination known for its excellent healthcare system. By the end of the webinar, you'll have a clear vision of how bariatric surgery can positively impact your life and pave the way for a healthier future. Anna Bianca is joined by Gerald Witt of the Weight Loss Team in Puerto Vallarta and Laura McGregor a patient who recently underwent Gastric Sleeve surgery all will be available to answer your questions, providing personalized guidance to help you make informed decisions regarding your weight loss journey. Join us for "From Confusion to Clarity: Your Path to Sustainable Weight Loss" and embark on a transformational experience that will empower you to take control of your health and well-being. Say goodbye to confusion, embrace clarity, and begin your journey toward a healthier, happier you. It occurs every four weeks on Fridays from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM CST (1 pm EST, 10 am PST). We hope to see you there. Please register today. Please note that if you'd prefer to explore this in private, I offer 1:1 paid sessions as well.

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